Alternate Keystone XL Pipeline Route Affects Additional Landowners
The recently approved alternate route adds approximately five miles of pipeline, affecting landowners in Madison and Seward Counties, among others. The status of the Keystone XL pipeline remains in flux as the Nebraska Public Service Commission (PSC) deliberates both the landowners’ and TransCanada’s motions to reconsider its decision to approve an alternate pipeline route on November 20.
“The PSC was only evaluating one thing, and one thing only – TransCanada’s proposed Preferred Route,” attorney Brian Jorde said about the decision.
While the PSC deliberates, TransCanada has already begun contacting the landowners living along the new route. This is just one step it needs to complete in order to even consider starting construction – the foreign energy company also needs to account for the five extra miles of pipeline, plan for and construct new pumping station, and navigate the same regulatory red tape they went through during the initial approval process more than eight years ago.
This new route passes through the following counties:
- Antelope
- Madison
- Stanton
- Platte
- Colfax
- Butler
- Seward
- Saline
- Jefferson
Keystone XL Pipeline in blue. Click here for a larger image (PDF).
Local residents are already voicing their concerns over this sudden shift to the alternate route. Bonnie Kruse, a resident of Seward County, spoke with the Seward Country Independent, saying that,
“We were surprised with the decision of the Public Service Commission’s approval of the Keystone Mainline alternative route. Most of the focus for years has been on the TransCanada preferred route. Much of the discussion during the PSC hearings focused on the preferred route.”
The original Keystone pipeline currently crosses the Kruse’s property. In the interview, she voiced the importance of both landowners and Native Americans who will be impacted by this change in plans to work together and utilize all available resources.
“Now is the time. Much can still be done to ensure that they are recognized and respected,” said Kruse. “We recognize the efforts of the Nebraska Farmers Union, Bold Nebraska and the incredible legal work that is offered by Dave Domina and Brian Jorde. At the same time, should TransCanada decide to build the pipeline, we encourage them to have a plan to work with the landowners and Native Americans in good faith.”
If you live along the newly approved pipeline route and want to fight back and protect your land, contact the Domina Law Group today. We have been fighting this pipeline for nearly a decade, and remain committed to protecting landowners’ rights and the environment.
Contact us today and let us know about your situation.