Nebraska Wrongful Death Attorneys
What is Considered a Wrongful Death?
Wrongful death. This is the law's name for the breathtaking emptiness a wife, husband, parent, or child feels when a loved one is taken because of someone else's mistake. Wrongful death devastates.
Wrongful death happens when life ends because someone else makes a mistake or commits a willful or wanton wrongful act. Life should not end, but someone else makes it end. More specifically, death is "wrongful" under the law when it is caused by conduct that violates a legal duty owed by the wrongdoer to the person killed. This may be a duty to drive at a reasonable speed, build a safe product, or provide medical care of at least average quality.
If you've lost a loved one because of the negligent actions of another person, call our wrongful death attorneys in Nebraska at (888) 387-4134 to schedule a free, confidential consultation of your case.
How Domina Law Group pc llo Can Help
Why are we called to help broken families cope with death? There are several reasons. First, we practice law to serve people. Service in time of greatest need provides the greatest chance to help. Second, we take hard cases. Most do not! Third, we work hard at your case.
Sometimes, we have to be a detective. We found the problem that made a rotating shaft unsafe, which resulted in the tragic death of a little boy. We found a broken seat belt piece in an airplane wreckage after the investigators missed it. We found a manufacturing defect in a passenger restraint belt loop that was cut in half during a survivable crash. And, We found the mechanism of injury in a terrible electrocution case.
Types of Wrongful Death Claims
Sometimes, examples are good teachers. At Domina Law Group, our wrongful death lawyers in Omaha work with families who have lost loved ones due to situations like the following:
- Trucker violations of safety rules
- Airplane manufacturing defects
- Defective truck and auto parts
- Negligent use of firearms
- Home and building explosions
- Farm equipment malfunction
- Building design defects & collapses
- Roadway / highway design defects
- City and State law enforcement errors
- Medical malpractice
- Electrocution – overhead lines
- Drunk driving accidents
- Injuries by unsupervised animals
- Falls from unsafe structures
We it comes to trial practice, we don't talk about it… we do it. Contact our Nebraska wrongful death attorneys by calling (888) 387-4134 today.
Compensation for Wrongful Death Claims
Wrongful death is not a remedy for loss of life or compensation for the person killed. She or he is gone. The survivors suffer. They are without support, love, advice, companionship, nurturing, loving, and shared goals. The law merely provides a way for those who live to bear the burden of a premature death.
We do all we can to turn a premature death into a chance for our clients to win the compensation we think they are entitled to have. Our case selection process is thoughtful. We understand wrongful death. We know what it means, and we understand how important it is to focus on the real purpose of the law: to compensate the next of kin for their loss and to use the law to prevent such lapses from recurrence.
Damages that family members can pursue if a loved one has suffered a wrongful death include:
- Expenses incurred by the wrongful death of the deceased (funeral, medical, etc.)
- Loss of future earnings anticipated over the lifetime of the deceased.
- Benefits lost due to the victim's death (medical insurance, pension, 401K, etc.)
- Survivors' pain, suffering, and mental anguish caused by the victim's wrongful death.
- Companionship, care, or protection lost to the survivors as a result of the wrongful death.
- The financial value of the services the deceased would have provided for their child's education and maintenance
- Punitive damages (damages awarded to punish the defendant)
When your wrongful death suit goes to court, judges and juries will decide your amount of damages based on pecuniary injury. That means they will look at how much money the family lost in terms of support, services, lost prospect of inheritance, and medical or funeral costs. Damage awards will also include interest from the date the family member died.
When you come to our firm for a free consultation, we can give you and your family a better understanding of the damages you may be entitled to. Contact us online or by calling (888) 387-4134 today!
Frequently Asked Questions
What Can Cause Wrongful Death?
A wrongful death is a direct result of the willful act or negligence of another person. A wrongful death may be caused by another party’s careless act, such as improperly operating a motor vehicle, providing professional care, or working at a job site. Defective products, suffering from manufacturing flaws or design defects, can also lead to wrongful death. Essentially, any death that is caused by another person is potentially a wrongful death action.
What Wrongful Death Claim(s) Do I Have?
When death is instantaneous, the next of kin’s claim is the only one to survive. But, where fright, mental anguish, or pain precede death and affect a conscious or semiconscious victim, a wrongful death claim can be accompanied by a separate claim for conscious pain and suffering. This conscious pain and suffering claim, unlike the wrongful death claim, seeks damages for what the decedent experienced before death occurred.
Who Can Receive Compensation for a Wrongful Death?
Claims for wrongful death are designed to compensate the deceased person’s next of kin for the loss of the loved one’s care, love, affection, support, advice, and other services. However, the actual lawsuit must be filed by the personal representative of the deceased, also known as the executor of the will or trust. Family members financially connected to the decedent, such as dependents or beneficiaries, may be entitled to compensation.
What is the Statute of Limitations for Personal Injury in Nebraska?
In Nebraska, the statute of limitations for wrongful death claims is two years from the date of death. This means wrongful death lawsuits must be filed within two years of the person's death. The deadline for filing a wrongful death lawsuit in Omaha is governed by Nebraska Revised Statute § 30-810. Only a personal representative of a deceased employee can bring an action for wrongful death.
Contact Our Wrongful Death Lawyer in Nebraska Today
As Domina Law Group pc llo's Omaha wrongful death lawyers, we found tell-tale liability evidence in vehicle and farm tractor rollover cases, missed cancer diagnosis cases, and machine entanglement cases. We found the true trajectory of the bullet. We found the weapon that caused the death. Why do families with loved ones lost to wrongful death come to us? The answer is simple: we strive to be more curious, more studious, more inquisitive, and more prepared…and we never stop striving.
Some of our recent results include:
- Wrongful Death Child – Mental Health facility failed to adequately monitor at-risk teens. $0 pre-suit offer by defendant. Six-figure settlement during the discovery phase.
- Wrongful Death Adult – Motor vehicle and Semi collision. Significant contributory negligence. Six-figure settlement on the eve of trial.
- Wrongful Death Child – Semi-truck accident on the interstate. The driver was determined to be medicine non-compliant at the time of the collision. $1.4+ million settlement during the discovery phase.
- Wrongful Death Adult – Product defect. $3+ million dollar settlement pre-trial.
- Wrongful Death Child – Motor Vehicle collision. $600,000+ settlement.
- Wrongful Death Child – Motor Vehicle collision. $1.5+ million settlement.
- Wrongful Death Child – Motor vehicle accident with contributory negligence. Six-figure settlement.
We do the work. We help the next of kin after the destruction of wrongful death and we do it by working through the law to get the last full measure of compensation, to the utmost extent of our abilities and imaginations. Contact our Nebraska wrongful death lawyers by calling (888) 387-4134 today!