Nebraska Plant Explosion Injury Attorney
Common Causes of Plant Explosions
We are surrounded by chemicals every day. Chemicals have the ability to make our lives more convenient and more comfortable, but they can also wreak havoc on our environment and our bodies. One of the ways that this occurs is plant explosions.
Those who work at industrial plants are placed in high risk situations by dealing with chemicals on a daily basis. Plant workers are required to undergo extensive training and must follow strict safety guidelines, but plant explosions still occur. Surprisingly, the main cause of these explosions is not the workers but the employers. When management fails to follow safety guidelines and does not properly maintain or replace aging equipment, the risk for explosions and accidents is high.
Many employers in the industrial workplace feel pressure and competition to boast the highest profits, and this can downplay the importance of worker safety. Following safety protocols is the most valuable hindrance to plant explosions, especially in the world of chemical processing and manufacturing. Some of the common causes of plant explosions are:
- Improperly maintained equipment
- Cigarette smoking
- Simple fires
- Poor maintenance
- Impure chemicals
- Lack of training
- Lack of understanding of safety rules
- Electrical equipment malfunctions
- Lightning strikes
Injuries Caused by Plant Explosions
People who work in plants and refineries are always vulnerable to the life-threatening possibility of a plant explosion. When an explosion does occur, on-site workers and residents living nearby may suffer serious injury or death. Some of the most common types of injuries include lung damage from breathing dangerous chemicals, burns, exposure to toxic chemicals, falls that cause head or spinal injury, and industrial illnesses that develop over time.
When an explosion occurs and workers are injured, there are numerous obstacles and challenges that those workers must face before they can return to work. Many times, the injuries caused are so severe that long-term or permanent medical treatments are required. Permanent or temporary disability, disfigurement and rehabilitation are common effects of a major plant explosion.
Our job as environmental lawyers is to protect the victims of plant explosions. We have witnessed firsthand the devastation that can result from a plant explosion, and we are committed to help those who have been injured. The talented lawyers at our firm understand the regulations and laws that provide compensation for injured workers, and we will fight aggressively for the maximum amount of compensation available on the behalf of our clients.
Recovering Compensation After Plant Explosions
Unfortunately, there is no way to safeguard yourself from the possibility of a plant explosion. Homes, schools, neighborhoods and businesses in the vicinity of an industrial plant are all at risk for physical injury and property damage. Some of the most common types of property damage include soil contamination, roof damage, dust contamination, water contamination and dangerous air pollution. To learn more about how you can seek compensation and justice after a plant explosion has affected you or your family, call our firm and schedule a free consultation.