Nebraska Nursing Home Physical Abuse Attorney
Nursing Home Abuse & Neglect Cases Nationwide
As a growing problem in the U.S., nursing home abuse lawsuits are more prevalent than ever. No longer are the family members of elderly individuals willing to stand idly by and watch as their loved ones are physically mistreated or disrespected. Now, more and more abused seniors are standing up to their abuses in court and seeking recompense for the physical pain and emotional suffering they were subjected to under the care of a professional in the field.
Many reports of nursing home inconsistencies have been unearthed to reveal a larger problem of physical abuse. Not only are some of the facilities that are meant to be providing care to our nation's elderly citizens falling short of the jobs expected of them, they are also engaging in abusive behaviors at the same time. Physical abuse is defined as the act of physical force that can result in physical pain, bodily injury, and / or impairment. Nursing homes and caregivers that engage in physically abusive behavior may resort to one or more of the following actions:
- Violent acts such as punching, hitting, and kicking
- Inappropriate use of restraint mechanisms
- Distributing inappropriate drugs
- Shaking, shoving, or pinching
- Force feeding
- Burning
If you believe that one or more elderly individuals are being physically mistreated under the professional care of a nursing home facility, you are entitled to take legal action. The law affords residents of nursing home facilities with the right to fair and just treatment. When this treatment is not being received, it is absolutely within your means to notify professionals of the problem and then move forward with legal action.
Signs of Physical Abuse
Recognizing the signs and symptoms of physical abuse is the most surefire way of ensuring that the abuse is brought to a halt and not allowed to continue. Unfortunately, many people are more than hesitant to make accusations of this nature when they are unsure of whether or not their suspicions are correct.
Allegations of elderly physical abuse are serious, and false accusations should be avoided at all costs; however, when it comes to unearthing a problem as significant as this, it is often worth the effort to involve professionals who can better determine whether or not the situation truly involves physically abusive behaviors. The list below can be used to help you identify warning signs of physical abuse before you make any accusing declarations:
- Broken bones and fractures
- Broken personal belongings, i.e. eyeglasses
- Open wounds and untreated cuts / injuries
- Bruises, welts, and lacerations
- Black eyes
These physical sings of abuse can also be supplemented with emotional and behavioral signs of physical abuse as well. For example, some elderly victims of physical abuse may exhibit behavioral changes that are abnormal from their typical actions. Retreating from social activities, acting irritable, or becoming depressed can be symptomatic of a larger problem. Friends and family should also question a caregiver's refusal to allow them or other visitors from seeing an elder resident / patient of a nursing home facility. In some cases, these are clear indications that physical abuse is currently at play.
Consult with a Lawyer About Your Protective Rights
State and federal statutes both exist to protect the rights, the safety, and the wellbeing of nursing home patients throughout the country. While operational guidelines vary from one nursing home to the next, there is a general assumption that physical abuse won't be tolerated under any circumstances. Elderly individuals whose rights have been violated deserve to take legal action to compensate them for the wrongs that were enacted against them. At Domina Law Group, we are here to help you do exactly that.
Meeting with an experienced associate from our office is free of charge. During your initial consultation, as well as any that follow it, we can discuss the different protective rights that can be enforced on your behalf. We can also strategize in order to develop the unique approach to take in trial. Together, we will assess your needs and wants, qualify your expectations, and move forward from there. You can trust that we will remain faithfully by your side throughout the legal process, no matter how long it may take.
Contact us today for more information or to schedule an appointment with an attorney from the firm.