Nebraska Nursing Home Emotional Abuse Attorney
Handling Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect Cases Nationwide
It can be extremely damaging to a person's self-esteem to constantly be insulted, isolated, or humiliated by another person or group of people. When painful emotions such as anguish and distress are intentionally inflicted on an elderly individual, it can be more than just emotionally upsetting - it can also be damaging to his / her health. Classic symptoms of emotional abuse include agitation, emotional upset, unusual behavior (sucking, rocking, biting), acting fearful or uncertain, withdrawing socially, or acting apathetic.
Verbal Abuse & Psychological Abuse
Emotional abuse is often enacted through verbal attacks and it can include threatening gestures, insulting remarks, and even acts of intimidation. The use of harassment or any other means of scaring an elderly individual can be emotionally damaging and may fall under the category of emotional / verbal abuse. These types of behaviors can also be classified as psychological abuse as well. For example, treating an elderly adult as an infant or harassing the individual with degrading remarks can be psychologically damaging, thereby affecting their emotional capacity to interact with others. Forced to endure this kind of treatment, it is not uncommon for victims to socially withdraw or even become emotionally detached from friends and family members.
Isolation and Neglect
Caretakers and nursing home facilities can easily cause emotional damage to their dependents when they neglect to adequately carry out their professional responsibilities. For example, an elderly individual whose needs are frequently overlooked can quickly become depressed - an emotional state that often results in withdraw, feelings of inferiority, insecurity, and hopelessness. The same is true when individuals are intentionally (or unintentionally) kept isolated from others. Elderly individuals who are given the silent treatment or kept isolated from their friends and family members will very likely fall into an emotional state of disarray. Emotionally withdrawn or beaten down, it can be beyond difficult for an isolated or neglected elderly person to recuperate, especially without the support of friends, family, and proper caretakers.
Professional Representation for Elders
Elderly victims of emotional abuse should not suffer alone. In fact, they should not suffer at all. At Domina Law Group, we are committed to making sure that emotionally harmful acts such as neglect, isolation, intimidation, and harassment are not allowed to continue. Speaking or treating to elderly persons in any way that could result in emotional pain or distress is not acceptable, nor will it be tolerated by our legal team. We feel adamantly about putting an end to acts of this nature, and we are not afraid to take such issues to court in order to effectively put a halt to emotionally abusive behaviors.
Whether emotional abuse occurred at the level of psychological distress, such as terrorizing / menacing a person, or it occurred at the level of verbal assault, such as humiliating / ridiculing a person, we can find a unique way to relate the situation in court. The strategies developed on your behalf are aimed at creating a new and different angle to use in the address of your case during trial, and we are willing to take an unconventional approach in order to yield successful results. At Domina Law Group, you are more than just a case, and you will be treated as such. Together, we can work to put an end to the emotionally abusive behavior plaguing elderly individuals under any type of care.