In a Fall 2004 issue of Voir Dire, David A. Domina contributed an article entitled Julia is a Federal Juror. The article paints a portrait, fictional, but based on real life, of the United States jury system. To do so, Mr. Domina gives the story of a federal juror named Julia. Without the jury system, the system of justice in the United States would cease to exist as we know it. By way of creative writing, Mr. Domina discusses the need for citizen jurors such as "Julia." Some jurors may not have a good education, money or youth on their side, and yet all types of people are called in for jury duty. Federal and commercial cases, however, may require a certain sophistication and expertise that many lay jurors do not possess. In this story, Julia had served as a juror four times and deliberated verdicts four times. To read this story in its entirety, view Julia is a Federal Juror.