Class Action

Domina Law Group pc llo Select Class Action Cases
Domina Law Group’s class action efforts have been selective. We do not choose cases in which the reward appears tailored primarily to the lawyer. In this connection, our work has included representation of classes of producers and consumers as plaintiffs, and classes of retirees as defendants when their corporations have cut their retirement benefits. They streamline litigation and provide results in cases that would otherwise be nearly impossible to litigate because of their massive numbers and modest individual sizes.
Class Action Representation Includes:
- Bolan v. Boyle - 218 Neb. 85, 352 N.W.2d 586 (Neb. 1984)
- (affirming class action award for overtime pay)
- Pickett v. Tyson Fresh Meats - 420 F3d 1272 (2005)
- (Class action for national class of live cattle sellers alleging improper purchase practices by nation's largest meat company. Result: $1.26 Billion jury verdict after nearly 6 years of pretrial effort. Vacated and class denied relief on appeal)
- Rice v. USA - 2002 WL3162360 (D. DC 2002)
- Syngenta Litigation
- Recovery for thousands of farmers across the US who suffered financial losses due to Syngenta’s marketing and commercialization of its Agrisure Viptera and Agrisure Duracade corn seeds. The $1.51 billion global settlement is believed to be the largest agricultural settlement in U.S. history.
Class actions are important tools and our experienced attorneys have them.
Contact us today.