Agricultural Law Cases
Agricultural law is a body of law covering, broadly, issues ranging from crop production law to animal nutrition law, to fraud, market issues, unfair competition, and antitrust. The term “agricultural law” includes banking regulations, creditors’ rights, a variety of financing issues, and real estate title problems.
Few places in American industry involve more science and more legal issues than farming and ranching. Enormous amounts of capital, complex banking relations, and sophisticated production issues, all confront every farmer producing growing crops and animals produced for their contributions to the meat supply.
The firm’s clients, at any and all times, include persons with a wide range of legal concerns spanning the breadth of agricultural law. Domina Law Group lawyers are regular lecturers on agricultural law interests at professional seminars and frequent speakers at places where the producers gather.
Landmark Agricultural Cases Include:
- Robertson v. Jacobs Cattle Company - 285 Neb 859 (2013)
- DMK Biodiesel LLC v. McCoy - 285 Neb 974 (2013)
- TransCanada Keystone XL Pipeline
- Crowley v. McCoy - 234 Neb. 88, 449 N.W.2d 221 (1989)
- (first impression holding revalidity of non-recourse real estate sales contracts)
- Nixon v. Harkins - 220 Neb. 286, 369 N.W.2d 625 (1985) (defining pretrial procedure rules)
- Nixon v. Madison County Ag Society - 217 Neb. 37, 348 N.W.2d 119 (1984)
- (declaring bid letting void for completed public improvements due to public meetings law violations)
- Peterson v. North Am Plant Breeders - 218 Neb. 258, 354 N.W.2d 625 (1983)
- (first impression holding that privity is not required in implied warranty cases)
- Pickett v. Tyson Fresh Meats - 420 F3d 1272 (2005)
- (Class action for national class of live cattle sellers alleging improper purchase practices by nation's largest meat company. Result: $1.26 Billion jury verdict after nearly 6 years of pretrial effort. Vacated and class denied relief on appeal)
- Ranchers Cattlemen Action Legal Fund United Stockgrowers of America v. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture - 415 F.3d 1078, 27 ITRD 1570, 35 Envtl. L. Rep. 20,152 (9th Cir. 2005)
- (safety of beef and dreaded “Mad Cow’s Disease”)
- Vandewerf v. Kirwan - S.D. 119, 586 N.W.2d 858 (1998)
- (bona fide purchasers and impact of deed)
Domina Law Group’s roots are in the farm. Its lawyers participate actively in farming interests. Contact us today.