Investigation: Zantac®and Ranitidine.
Alert to Users in Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota
Zantac® causes cancer. The scientific community is in virtually universal agreement. Most common cancers associated with the Zantac® problems are:
- Bladder, Urinary Tract
- Stomach, Intestines
- Kidneys
- Colorectal tissues
- Liver
- Prostate
- Esophagus
- Blood cancers
The FDA and worldwide government regulators have said Zantac® should not be used and pulled it from the market. This applies to both prescription and over-the-counter versions of Zantac®. It also applies to other anti-acid medications containing ranitidine.
Zantac® contains ranitidine. It, in turn, contains very high levels of a contaminant known as NDMA (N-Nitrosodimethylamine). The amount of NDMA in Zantac® actually increases over time and when the product is stored at higher than room temperatures.
April 1, 2020: FDA ordered all Zantac and all ranitidine products withdrawn from the market and remove from shelves. Urged doctors to file adverse reaction reports with the FDA online.
Jan/Feb, 2020: FDA alerted health care professionals and patients to voluntary withdrawals of ranitidine products by several manufacturers.
Nov 1, 2020: FDA laboratory director issued Press Release that the FDA tested multiple ranitidine products finding some within acceptable limits and sum exceeding them.. Continue to recommend to consumers taking over-the-counter ranitidine products, including Zantac® to switch to other products.
Sept 26, 2019: FDA alerts health care professionals and patients to multiple voluntary recalls of ranitidine medicines by several pharmaceutical companies.
Sept 9, 2019: Private testing lab Valisure submitted a petition to the FDA reporting its findings of high levels of NDMA in ranitidine products, including Zantac®
Statutes of Limitations: The available time within which to make a claim and preserve the right to recover for cancer caused or contributed to by Zantac® or other ranitidine products is limited. In Nebraska, it is generally four years from the date of diagnosis, but not more than two years from the date of death if a death occurs. In South Dakota and Iowa, the period is generally two years from the date of diagnosis, or death.
Liability Issues - Did Zantac® manufacturers:
1. Disregard important research studies?
2. Fail to test and fail to retest?
3. Fail to warn of risks disclosed by research?
We are focused on persons who used Zantac® or other ranitidine problems and became ill while living in Nebraska, Iowa, and South Dakota. We are focused on the law in those states, as state law controls the liability of manufacturers.
Persons in Nebraska, Iowa and South Dakota are urged to call Domina Law Group pc llo to discuss whether remedies are available for the anguish and losses that go what diagnosis, treatment and care for cancer.