Nebraska Toxic Chemical Leaks Attorney
What Are Toxic Chemicals?
Several thousand accidental chemical spills occur in coastal waters every year from vessels, pipelines, oil wells and facilities across the nation. These unintentional releases can be the result of natural disasters, but the main reason they occur is human error and equipment failures. Toxic chemical leaks are particularly dangerous because these incidents often take place in factories and workplaces throughout our country. Some companies use hundreds of hazardous chemicals daily, from glues to solvents to pain cleaners and acids.
Toxic chemicals may be one or a combination of the following characteristics that may be a physical or health hazard:
- Unstable
- Irritant
- Explosive
- Combustible
- Water reactive
- Corrosive
- Flammable
- Sensitizer
Toxic chemicals are always to remain in their original container unless they are immediately used, and injury can occur when the chemical is in a secondary container that doesn't have the correct labeling. If the container is leaking or damaged or the person handling the chemicals is not wearing the appropriate protective equipment, serious harm can occur.
Injuries Caused by Chemical Leaks
When a toxic liquid, solid or gas is spilled, it can have a tremendously negative impact on the environment. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has created strict regulations for how to handle various types of toxic chemical leaks and how to safeguard the wildlife and human inhabitants who are nearby. Unfortunately, deep ground water sources are easily penetrated by chemical spills and this can cause water contamination of the drinking water for local residents in spite of the EPA regulations.
One of the greatest dangers of a toxic chemical leak is its ability to affect large segments of the population in a very short time. Those who work in industrial worksites and use chemicals at work have the greatest risk for direct exposure to chemical spills. Neurological damage, cancer, and organ and respiratory failure are but a few of the long term effects of direct exposure to or contact with toxic chemicals. Those living in the near vicinity are also affected by toxic chemical leaks.
If you suspect possible chemical contamination, you should contact an environmental attorney immediately. Workers should also contact a legal professional if they suspect that their workplace is the source of a catastrophic illness. The devastation and injury caused by a toxic chemical leak can reach beyond the physical ramifications and cause financial hardship as well. Long-term medical treatments can quickly become unbearable, but a qualified and experienced lawyer can help you file a claim for compensation.
With over 50 years of collective legal experience, our team of lawyers is prepared to take on the corporate giants and powerful organizations that are sometimes responsible for toxic chemical leaks. To learn more about your rights, don't hesitate to contact our firm!