Nebraska Environmental Lawyer
Exceptional Representation for Environmental Litigation
Environmental law was created to regulate the interaction of humans with the natural environment. As this interaction is multi-faceted and constantly changing, there are many new and old legal problems that arise. Since the formation of environmental law as a separate and distinct body of law in the 1960's, the swine and beef operations throughout our nation have encountered countless confrontations over nuisance and environmental regulations issues.
The cattle business started using confined animal feeding organizations (CAFOs) in the 1960's to meet the growing demand for meat. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that there are approximately 15,500 CAFOs in the United States, and these CAFOs contain 50% of all animals in this country. When you consider that these animal farms are increasing in size and in geographic concentration, it is no surprise that thousands of nuisance complaints, clean water issues and clean air lawsuits have shown up in courtrooms. When farmers and cattle and hog producers are faced with these challenging issues, they turn to Domina Law Group for the high-quality representation they need to protect their profession and their rights.
Since the 1970's, our firm has handled hundreds of environmental law cases throughout the United States. Our extensive trial work includes presentation to final verdict and judgment of more than a dozen nuisance cases, including numerous appellate decisions. In order to achieve a favorable outcome for environmental litigation cases, you need a firm who has the ability to undertake complex litigation and deal effectively with regulatory authorities. From complaints of air pollution to fracking lawsuits and litigation surrounding plant explosions, our firm has proven that we have the tenacity and legal knowledge to protect your rights.
Understanding Environmental Law
Environmental law is mostly controlled by federal governmental agencies, such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and many of the lawsuits dealing with environmental issues are filed under federal statutes. Whether you have been involved in a federal or common law lawsuit, our environmental law attorneys have the resources and legal skills to represent your case to final verdict. In the past, we have represented Clean Water Act litigation against the United States Department of Justice and other cases involving clean air claims by industrial organizations. Our experience with some of the largest federal government agencies in the country has prepared us to handle all types of environmental law cases, and we develop custom solutions for every client.
Environmental lawsuits can be filed under common law for cases involving nuisance, trespass, strict liability or negligence. A successful resolution of these lawsuits may result in recovery for damages to property, personal injury or bodily harm, and this further necessitates the need for talented legal representation. When you need a legal advocate who has a proven history of success in environmental lawsuits, choose Domina Law Group. Through hard work and a commitment to legal excellence, we have achieved several multi-billion dollar verdicts and have succeeded against seemingly impossible odds.
Domina Law Group's Environmental Law Practice
Clean water, clean air, soil contamination, asbestos, and industrial pollutants all give rise to significant environmental issues.
We have provided services in cases of these kinds:
- Defense of government action against clients under Clean Water Act.
- Prosecution of claims for air impurities.
- Defense of environmental claims for air impurities, odor, and nuisance.
- Point pollution source issues and 404 permits.
- Waste disposal plant overload cases.
- Chemical spill cases.
- National Environmental Policy Act litigation involving prairie lands, river lands, and international border crossings.
- Client education and defense against construction of unwanted crude oil pipeline.
Environmental cases often require us to help people retain what they have accumulated. We are proud to help people with this problem. Even more rewarding is the use of environmental laws to provide remedies against polluters and wrongdoers.
Types of Environmental Litigation
To provide you with more information about the types of environmental lawsuits, our team of lawyers has provided the following material for you. Please do not hesitate to call our firm for additional clarification and to learn about the many ways that we can protect your rights.
Air Pollution
The Clean Air Act and other laws have been created to reduce the concentrations of air pollutants in our country, but many people are still suffering from the health consequences of toxic air emissions, urban air pollution and acid rain. From animal feeding operations to industrial organizations, air pollution lawsuits have been filed against a broad range of businesses in the United States.
Water Contamination
At least 1,000 casualties every year can be attributed to water contamination. When a local water source is contaminated by animal waste, pesticides, or chemical leaks, serious illnesses and diseases can occur. Some of the common symptoms of contamination include nausea, stomach cramps, vomiting and diarrhea.
Fracking is the process that involves extracting coal seam gas, petroleum or natural gas from the earth by injecting pressurized chemicals or fluids into the ground. By releasing such powerful and toxic chemicals into the ground, the ground water and air supply are also compromised. Fracking can lead to substantial health problems such as gastrointestinal effects, rashes, dizziness and more.
Oil Spills
One of the most catastrophic oil spills of all time, the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, drew national attention to the devastation that can be caused when crude and toxic oil is spilled into the environment. Thousands of nuisance complaints and toxic torts have been filed because of the ramifications of the spill in regards to loss of profits, loss of sales, and other damages.
Toxic Chemical Leaks
When toxic chemicals are released into the environment, they can easily penetrate deep ground water sources and cause contamination of drinking water. Toxic chemical leaks also affect air quality and can lead serious illnesses and diseases over a period of time. Workers who have direct exposure or contact with toxic chemicals on a daily basis must be especially careful of chemical leaks.
Plant Explosions
Industrial plants are home to thousands of chemicals that are used to make our lives easier and more comfortable, but poor maintenance and ignorance of safety protocol can lead to plant explosions. Those who work in plants and refineries must always be aware of this possibility and the serious injuries and fatalities that can result from an explosion.
Our Approach: Setting a New Standard of Excellence
Here at Domina Law Group, we take pride in providing honest answers and sincere representation for every client. We do not simply talk about going to trial, we do so on a daily basis. Unlike other firms who file meaningless motions and try to confuse the legal system in order to get a case dismissed, we thrive on the challenge of standing up for people who need strong, ethical and experienced lawyers. Instead of shying away from controversial political cases, we devote effort into truly understanding our clients and their position in order to help their perspective be heard. This requires a unique blend of diligence, aggression, compassion and insight, and our team has worked hard to develop the necessary skills to protect our clients.
We believe that this approach is a key factor in our ability to effectively handle environmental law cases, and hundreds of our clients would agree. In fact, we have negotiated the resolution of issues associated with remediation of lead, methane, and arsenic issues in soil, abandoned petroleum wells, and general environmental clean-up concerns. Our team has been practicing environmental law for decades, and we have gained an intimate familiarity with the effects of environmental regulation on industrial, commercial and even government enterprises.
Call Today for Nationwide Representation!
Instead of taking the matter into your own hands, it is far better to contact our team and schedule a free consultation to discuss your legal options. Whether you are seeking justice for air pollution, water contamination, toxic chemical leaks or another type of environmental disturbance, enlisting our help will cost you nothing up front and could be the key factor in winning your case.
Don't wait to contact our firm today. We understand the lasting impact that environmental regulations have had on industrial, commercial and governmental enterprises, and we are prepared to fight for you.
Environmental Law Cases In the News
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- Louisiana Couple Files Lawsuit Over Toxic Waste Leak
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- Environmental Clean-Up Suit Filed
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- Safety Concerns: TransCanada XL Pipeline Project
- Lawsuit Alleges Company Hid Carcinogenic Nature of a Chemical Leak
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