Concentration of Agricultural Markets
February 2005
Mary Hendrickson and William Heffernan
Department of Rural Sociology -- University of Missouri
Columbia, MO 65211 (573)882-3776
email: HendricksonM@missouri.edu
email: HeffernanW@missouri.eduCR4 is the concentration ratio (relative to 100%) of the top four firms in a specific food industry.
Beef Packers CR4 = 83.5%*
- Tyson (formerly IBP Inc.)
- Cargill (Excel)
- Swift & Co.
- National Beef Packing Co.
Source - Cattle Buyer’s Weekly - Steer & Heifer Slaughter reported in Feedstuffs 6/16/03. Note: Smithfield Foods is the 5th largest beef packer after a series of recent acquisitions.
Beef Feedlots
One-time Capacity:
- Cactus Feeders Inc. 500,000
- ContiBeef LLC 450,000
- ConAgra Cattle Feeding Co. 440,000
- Caprock Cattle Feeders 290,000
Source - Feedstuffs 9/17/03
Pork Packers CR4 = 64%*
- Smithfield Foods
- Tyson Foods (formerly IBP Inc.)
- Swift & Co.
- Hormel Foods
Source - Feedstuffs 9/22/03 (includes the Smithfield acquisition of Farmland Foods) Note: Including Cargill (Excel) and Premium Standard Farms creates a CR6=77%.
Pork Production CR4 = 49%*
Number of Sows:
- Smithfield Foods 825,000
- Premium Standard Farms 225,000
- Seaboard Corporation 213,600
- Prestage Farms 129,000
Source - Successful Farming Pork Powerhouses (October 2003)
Broilers CR4 = 56%*
- Tyson Foods
- Pilgrim’s Pride
- Gold Kist
- Perdue
Source - Feedstuffs 12/1/03
Turkeys CR4 = 51%*
- Cargill Turkey Products
- Hormel Foods (Jennie-O Turkey Store)
- ConAgra (Butterball Turkey Co.)
- Carolina Turkeys
Source - National Turkey Federation (2003)
Animal Feed Plants CR4 = 34%* Annual Capacity*
- Land O’Lakes LLC/Purina Mills 12.5 million tons
- Cargill Animal Nutrition (Nutrena) 9.0 million tons
- ADM Alliance Nutrition 3.2 million tons
- J.D. Heiskell & Co. 2.8 million tons
Source - Feedstuffs 3/1/04 and Feedstuffs Reference Issue 2003 ** If the U.S. total production is 80 million tons as it was in 1999 (Census of Manufacturing 1999)
Flour Milling CR4 = 63%**
Daily Milling Capacity:
- Cargill/CHS (Horizon Milling) 293,000 cwts
- ADM 288,800 cwts
- ConAgra 250,100 cwts
- Cereal Food Processors 93,100 cwts
Source - Milling and Baking News 9/7/04 ** Total US 24-Hour Milling Capacity is 1,477,000 cwts (Milling and Baking News 3/2/04)
Soybean Crushing CR4 = unknown
- Bunge CR3=71%*
- Cargill
- Ag Processing Inc.
Source - Wall Street Journal 7/22/02
Ethanol Production CR4 = 41%
Million Gallons Per Year
- ADM 1070
- Cargill 128
- Aventine Renewable Energy Inc. 100
- VeraSun Energy Corporation 100
Source - http://www.ethanolrfa.org/eth_prod_fac.html Note - Farmer owned ethanol plants accounted for 1.276 billion gallons per year or 37.3% of total capacity.
Dairy Processors
Annual Sales*
- Dean Foods $8,260 Million
- Kraft Foods (Majority owner is Philip Morris) $4,300 Million
- Land O’Lakes $2,969 Million
- Schreiber Foods, Inc.** $2,200 Million
Source - Dairy Foods: Dairy 100 (2004)
Notes - Saputo Inc. actually is listed as the number four processor in North America, but over 70% of its plants are in Canada. Dairy Farmers of America has slipped out of the top four processors with sales of $1,392 Million. However, DFA also owns 50% of the sixth largest firm, National Dairy Holdings, which at the time of the merger of Dean and Suiza acquired the joint holdings of DFA and Suiza. Dean controls 30% of the fluid milk market in the United States (Feedstuffs 1/19/04). DFA produces 33% of the US milk supply (Hoover’s Company Profiles, 9/1/04).
Input Market Notes
Monsanto and Pioneer control 60% of the U.S. corn and soybean seed market, which is estimated at $5 billion. (New York Times, 1/6/04).
Mosaic, created by a merger between Cargill and ICM with Cargill owning 67% of the new company, will produce 14.4% of the world’s phosphate, and 15.5% of the world’s potash. (Chemical Week Associates 2/4/04) With this merger, the International Fertilizer Development Center estimates the company will have 50-60% share of the U.S. fertilizer market. (Feedstuffs 2/4/04)
Global Phosphate, Nitrogen, Potash and Feed Phosphate Fertilizer Companies:
- Yara (Hydro Agri) $4.9 Billion
- Mosaic (Cargill owns 67% with ICM owning 33%) $4.1 Billion
- PCS $2.6 Billion
- Agrium $2.4 Billion
- Terra (Does not include acquisition of Mississippi Chemical) $1.3 Billion
Source - Feedstuffs 9/6/04
Food Retailing CR5 = 46%*
Supermarket Grocery Sales:
- Wal-Mart Stores $66.465 Billion
- Kroger Co. 46.315 Billion
- Albertsons, Inc. 31.962 Billion
- Safeway, Inc. 29.572 Billion
- Ahold USA, Inc. 25.105 Billion
Source - Progressive Grocer’s Super 50 (5/1/04) Progressive Grocer reports only grocery sales from supermarkets, and does not report general merchandise, drug or convenience sales. In the 4/15/04 issue, it reported that total 2003 supermarket sales were $432.8 Billion in the US.
World's Top Grocery Retailers 2004
- Wal-Mart Stores (United States) $244.5 billion annual sales
- Carrefour (France) $64.7
- Ahold (The Netherlands) $59.2
- Kroger (United States) $51.8
- Metro (Germany) $48.5
- Tesco (United Kingdom) $39.5
- Costco (United States) $38.0
- Albertsons (United States) $35.6
- Rewe (Germany) $35.2
- Aldi (Germany) $33.7
Source - Supermarket News 12/29/03
Top Food Processing Companies
Company (Fiscal year in parentheses if different from calendar year) 2003 Food Sales ($ millions) 2002 Food Sales ($ millions):
- Kraft Foods Inc. 21,907 21,485
- Tyson Foods Inc. (9/27/03) 21,894 21,285
- Pepsico Inc. 18,293 17,363
- ConAgra Foods Inc. (5/25/03) 16,927 22,521
- Nestle (US & Canada) 13,798 13,110
- Anheuser-Busch Cos. Inc. 10,984 10,574
- Mars Inc. 10,000 9,300
- Sara Lee Corp. (6/28/03) 9,778 9,219
- General Mills (5/30/04) 9,520 9,206
- Dean Foods Co. 9,185 8,992
Source - Food Processing, Vol. 65(8), August 2004