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National Geographic Quotes Attorney Brian Jorde on Keystone XL Pipeline & What Comes Next

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Domina Law Attorney Brian Jorde was quoted by National Geographic in a recent article discussing what comes next for the Keystone XL Pipeline, which was halted by President Joe Biden in an executive order signed within hours of his inauguration on January 20.

The move was a major victory made possible by legal battles from Nebraska landowners represented by Attorney Brian Jorde and Domina Law.

As National Geographic explains, Jorde became involved in Keystone XL litigation 11 years ago when he was approached by Nebraska farmers and ranchers concerned about their land and how they could fight back. Since then, he has helped landowners opposing the pipeline file 144 lawsuits and 225 appeals, many of which are still in active negotiation.

National Geographic also notes that while the Keystone XL Pipeline project is likely over following President Biden’s executive order, concerns and issues still remain. This includes various infrastructure and pipeline assets dotted along the planned route, as well as land easements assembled by TC Energy through negotiations with landowners. As Attorney Brian Jorde tells NatGeo:

“That is a very valuable asset. Even if the pipeline was half constructed, that’s their property. They own it forever.”

Attorney Brian Jorde goes on to discuss how valuable the easements are, and how TC Energy is unlikely to give them up easily. As he tells NatGeo, however, he’ll continue to fight for Nebraska residents and future generations to protect their land:

“How old am I? Forty-four. Twenty years from now, am I going to be fighting this for the children and grandchildren of these landowners? Sure.”

Read the full National Geographic article featuring Attorney Brian Jorde here.