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David Domina Testifies at Nebraska Legislative Special Session on LB 3 Regarding Eminent Domain and Pipelines


Attorney David Domina, a Nebraska personal injury and trial lawyer, testified at the Nebraska Legislative Special Session on LB3- the bill regarding eminent domain and pipelines. Nebraska State Senator Bill Avery of Lincoln proposed to amend Legislative Bill 3 so that there would be criminal penalties for pipeline officials who place undue pressure on and manipulate landowners with eminent domain before a pipeline has officially been approved. Senator Avery called this practice a misrepresentation of the truth, as pipeline officials have no legal right to push eminent domain until a pipeline and its route have been federally and state approved.

He proposed that a first offense would be a misdemeanor (one year imprisonment and $1,000 fine) and all following offenses would be felonies (up to five years imprisonment and $10,000 fine). Our firm's own David Domina stated his approval of the amended legislation, saying that Nebraska currently does not have limits on how pipeline companies can use eminent domain. Read the full article: Omaha World Herald- Eminent Domain Pressure Targeted 11/9/11

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