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Dave Domina and Brian Jorde Featured in The Texas Observer's Coverage of the Keystone XL Pipeline


Domina Law Group | The Texas Observer

The Collins family had no problem with TransCanada's Keystone XL pipeline running through their Texas property… at first. It wasn't until October 2012 when their septic system was uprooted to make room for the pipeline that the Collins' troubles began. The septic system incident caused her house to flood and become infested with mold, causing not only structural damage, but also respiratory problems.

Brian Jorde represented the Collins' and secured a settlement on their behalf after being kicked around by TransCanada.

This family's story should serve as a stern warning to the Nebraska holdouts – keep holding out. What happened to the Collins' could very well happen to Nebraska landowners should the pipeline route be approved.

The feature of this story in The Texas Observer is lengthy, but well worth the read. You can view it here.

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